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张林,博士,教授,博士生导师,齐鲁青年学者。长期科研目标旨在通过多尺度模拟、基于大数据的物理建模以及试验测量手段相结合来分析材料内部及界面的微观结构对材料力学、热物理等性能的影响,实现先进材料的设计与评估。先后独立完成航天一院一部横向课题、负责核高基重大专项电子组件结构设计及抗力学环境设计、负责预先研究并参与美国自然科学杰出基金NSF CAREER、参与美国能源部DOE NEUP 以及Battelle Memorial Institute基金等一系列国内外重大科研项目。在相关领域的主流SCI期刊上发表论文20多篇,并应邀为10几个主流SCI期刊审稿。在美国机械学会国际机械工程大会ASME IMECE及美国核学会ANS年会等国际会议做报告10余次,曾负责组织ASME IMECE分论坛并担任分会场主席。曾获得博士论文奖学金(Dissertation Fellowship,USU)、全额奖学金(USU)、杰出研究生(Outstanding Graduate Researcher、Outstanding Graduate Scholar,USU), 科技创新奖(GRCO,USU), 旅行奖(Travel Awards, Travel Grants, USU),专业教育课程奖学金(Professional Education Course Scholarship,MIT),研究生特等奖学金及人民奖学金(哈工大)等奖励。在美国期间曾担任本科生、硕士、博士研究生必选课程助教和讲师,曾担任美国高中生夏令营(Engineering State、Native American STEM Mentorship Program,USU)讲师以及匹兹堡中员工科技竞赛评审(PRSEF)





2012-2017 博士 机械工程,机械与航空系,犹他州立大学

导师: Prof. Ling Liu

2006-2009  硕士 工程力学, 复合材料与结构研究所,哈尔滨工业大学

导师:吴林志 教授

2002-2006  本科 工程力学,实验学院、航天科学与力学系, 哈尔滨工业大学

导师: 冷劲松 教授



2020 - 至今 澳门顶级网赌网址大全 工程力学系  教授、齐鲁青年学者

2017- 2020 美国匹兹堡大学 机械工程与材料系 博士后Research Associate

合作导师:Prof. Heng Ban



L. Liu, L. Zhang. Nanofluidics in Graphene-Based Material Systems, Graphene Science Handbook: Mechanical and Chemical Properties, CRC Press, 2016.


1. L. Zhang*, Z. Song, B. Zhao, E. Villarreal, H. Ban*. Fast Atom Effect on Helium Gas/Graphite Interfacial Energy Transfer. Carbon, 2020, 161, 206-218.

2. J. L. He, L. Zhang, L. Liu*. The hydrogen-bond configuration modulates the energy transfer efficiency in helical protein nanotubes. Nanoscale, doi.org/10.1039/D0NR06031C

3. J. L. He, L. Zhang, L. Liu*. Improving thermal conduction across cathode/electrolyte interfaces in solid-state lithium-ion batteries by hierarchical hydrogen-bond network. Materials & Design, 2020, 194, 108927.

4. Y. Y. Zhang, R. L. Shen, M. Z. Li, J. C. Pang*, L. Zhang*, S. X. Li, Z. F. Zhang. Mechanical damage behavior of metal matrix composites with the arbitrary morphology of particles, J. Mater. Res. Technol, 2020,9(4),7002-7012.

5. L. Zhang, L. Liu*. Hierarchically Hydrogen-Bonded Graphene/Polymer Interfaces with Drastically Enhanced Interfacial Thermal Conductance, Nanoscale, 2019,11(8), 3656-3664.

6. Z. Song, L. Zhang, H. Ban*. Theoretical Foundation of Electromagnetically-Driven Oscillating Cup Viscometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 2019, 30(11), 12.

7. J. He, L. Zhang, and L. Liu*, Thermal Transport in Monocrystalline and Polycrystalline Lithium Cobalt Oxide, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21(23), 12192-12200. PCCP 热点论文

8. N. Li, W. Wei, K. Xie, J. Tan, L. Zhang, X. Luo, K. Yuan, Q. Song, H. Li, C. Shen, E. Ryan, L. Liu, B. Wei*, Suppressing Dendritic Lithium Formation Using Porous Media in Lithium Metal-Based Batteries, Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 2067-2073.

9. L. Zhang, L. Liu*. Polymeric Self-Assembled Monolayers Anomalously Improve Thermal Transport across Graphene/Polymer Interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(34), 28949-28958.

10. L. Zhang, Z. T. Bai, L. Liu*. Exceptional Thermal Conductance across Hydrogen-Bonded Graphene/Polymer Interfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 3(13), 1600211. 封面

11. Z. T. Bai, L. Zhang, H. Li, L. Liu*. Nanopore Creation in Graphene by Ion Beam Irradiation: Geometry, Quality, and Efficiency. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 24803-24809. 热点论文

12. Z. T. Bai, L. Zhang, L. Liu*. Improving Low-Energy Boron/Nitrogen Ion Implantation in Graphene by Ion Bombardment at Oblique Angles. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8761-8772.

13. L. Zhang, M. Ruesch, X. Zhang, Z. T. Bai, L. Liu*. Tuning Thermal Conductivity of Crystalline Polymer Nanofibers by Interchain Hydrogen Bonding. RSC Adv, 2015, 5, 87981-87986.

14. L. Zhang, Z. T. Bai, H. Ban, L. Liu*. Effects of the Amino Acid Sequence on Thermal Conduction Through Beta-Sheet Crystals of Natural Silk Protein. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 29007-29013.

15. Z. T. Bai, L. Zhang, L. Liu*. Bombarding Graphene with Oxygen Ions: Combining Effects of Incident Angle and Ion Energy to Control Defect Generation. J Phys Chem C, 2015, 119, 26793-26802.

16. L. Zhang, T. L. Chen, H. Ban, L. Liu*. Hydrogen Bonding-Assisted Thermal Conduction in Beta-Sheet Crystals of Spider Silk Protein. Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7786-7791. 封面、热点论文

17. M. Yang, D. W. Xu, L. H. Jiang, L. Zhang, D. Dustin, R. Lund, L. Liu, H. Dong*. Filamentous Supramolecular Peptide-Drug Conjugates as Highly Efficient Drug Delivery Vehicles. Chem Commun, 2014, 50, 4827-4830.

18. L. Liu*, L. Zhang, Z. G. Sun, G. Xi. Graphene Nanoribbon-Guided Fluid Channel: A Fast Transporter of Nanofluids. Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 6279-6283.

19. L. Liu*, L. Zhang, J. Lua. Branched Carbon Nanotube Reinforcements for Improved Strength of Polyethylene Nanocomposites. Appl Phys Lett, 2012, 101. 

20. J. Li, L. Zhang, D. A. Dixon, T. M. Klein*. Undulating Topography of HfO2 Thin Films Deposited in a Mesoscale Reactor Using Hafnium (IV) Tert Butoxide. AIChE J, 2011, 57, 2989-2996.

21. 张林,高翠琢,吴景峰. 基于大质量法的谐响应有限元分析, 半导体技术,2011, 36, 402-405.

22. W. Liang, G. Zhao, L. Wu*, H. Yu, M. Li, L. Zhang. Sample-Size Effects on the Compression Behavior of a Ni-Based Amorphous Alloy. Int J Mod Phys B, 2009, 23, 1324-1330.


[1] 美国机械工程学会,多功能材料技术委员会,委员 


[2] 期刊审稿人:

Applied Physics Letters;


Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences;

Engineering Failure Analysis;

Engineering Fracture Mechanics;

International Journal of Thermophysics;

Journal of Materials Science;

Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials;

Journal of Physical Chemistry;

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics;

Measurement Science and Technology;




Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics;

Scientific Reports;

Tribology International


MAE 3210 Engineering Numerical Methods (USU 讲师

MAE 2160 Material Science (USU 助教

MAE 5350 Kinematics (USU 助教

MAE 5640 Design for Manufacturability (USU 助教

MAE 6040 Continuum Mechanics and Elasticity (USU 助教







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