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王冀鹏   Prof. WANG Ji-Peng


  • 国家海外引进高层次青年人才(中组部海外人才计划)

  • 水利工程系主任

  • 山东省泰山学者青年专家

  • 澳门顶级网赌网址大全杰出中青年学者

  • 澳门顶级网赌网址大全国际合作联络教授



For English version go to the end


2006-2010 四川大学,水利水电工程专业,学士

2009-2010 英国诺丁汉大学,土木工程,硕士 (一等荣誉学位)

2010-2015 英国诺丁汉大学,岩土工程,博士


2011-2015 英国诺丁汉大学,教学助理(兼职)

2015-2018 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,博士后研究员


2018至今 澳门顶级网赌网址大全,教授、博导


  1. -宏观岩土力学

  • 离散元数值模拟与高性能计算

  • 高精度岩土材料三维CT成像分析

  • 多相岩土体水力及力学特性

  1. 生态岩土工程

  • 边坡水文与稳定性评价

  • 气候变化条件下植被与土的相互作用

  • 微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀(MICP)加固技术

  1. 无人机基础设施智慧运维技术

  • 无人机边坡危岩与边坡变形智慧识别与监测

  • 无人机水利、交通等基础设施智慧巡检

  1. 土遗址与砖石质文物保护

  • 夯土遗址的劣化机理与保护措施

  • 砖石质文物的修复与保护



2022-2024 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项, “气候变化背景下植被与土的相互作用(主持)

2021-2026 国家海外引进高层次青年人才项目, “多相岩土材料微宏观力学(主持)

2021-2024 企业委托-基于无人机基础设施智慧运维技术项目 (主持)

2021-2022 中国国家自然科学基金, 国际合作与交流项目, “基于微观尺度毛细作用和交界面张力效应的非饱和土力学研究(主持)

2020-2022 中国国家自然科学基金, “非饱和土中气固液三相交界面的微观作用机理研究(主持)

2020-2022 无锡市鸿山(国家)考古遗址公园, “邱承墩大墓变形监测(主持)

2019-2024 山东省政府泰山学者青年专家科研项目 (主持)

2018-2023 澳门顶级网赌网址大全齐鲁青年学者科研项目 (主持)

2015-2018 比利时国家科学基金项目, “Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials” (主研)

2015-2018 比利时联邦科技政策办公室IAP项目, “Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension” (参与)

2010-2014 英国诺丁汉大学工学部长卓越奖学金博士研究项目 (主持)


  • 国际土力学与岩土工程学会会员

  • 中国水利学会高级会员

  • 中国土木工程学会会员

  • 澳门顶级网赌网址大全国际合作联络教授

  • GéotechniqueWater Resources ResearchActa GeotechnicaPowder TechnologyJournal of Engineering MechanicsTransport in Porous Media等十余个著名国际期刊审稿专家


  1. Wang JP, Li MC, Qi M, Ge SQ, Dadda A*. Micro-macro investigation on bio-cemented sand under different grouting saturation: an effective enhancement method[J]. GEOMECHANICS FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2024 (12): GETE-D-23-00373. (Accepted)

  2. Wang JP*, Liu TT, Wang SH, Luan J J, Dadda A (2023) Investigation of porosity variation on water retention behaviour of unsaturated granular media by using pore scale Micro-CT and lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 626: 130161. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130161.

  3. Wang JP*, Sha JF, Gao XG, Dadda A, Qi M. Experimental investigation of the microscopic interaction mechanism between sand and tall festuca roots by using X-ray microtomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA, 2023. (under review)

  4. 栾纪元, 王冀鹏*. 基于4D显微成像的非饱和颗粒土微观力学与渗流试验研究[J/OL]. 岩土力学, 2023(11): 1-9[2023-11-02]. Doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.1054.

  5. Li MC, Luan JY, Gao XG, Wang JP*, Dadda A (2023) A micro-investigation on water bridge effects for unsaturated granular materials with constant water content by discrete element method. PARTICUOLOGY 83: 50-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.02.006.

  6. Wang JP*, Luan JY, Gao XG, Liu TH, Andò E, François B (2022) A micro-investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial compression based on micro-CT image analysis. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 17(11): 4799-4821. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7.

  7. Gao XG, Sha JF, Luan JY, Li MC, Wang JP* (2022) A triple-source CT system for micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES 190. Doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110510.

  8. Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2020) From Basic Particle Gradation Parameters to Water Retention Curves and Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 20(6). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677.

  9. Cui XZ, Zhang XN, Wang JP*, Zhang J, Qi H, Li J (2020) X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 262. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120075.

  10. Wang JP*, Lambert P, De Kock T, Cnudde V, François B (2019) Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 14(5): 1545-1559. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2.

  11. Wang JP*, Andò E, Charrier P, Salager S, Lambert P, François B (2019) Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS 9(4): 269-277. Doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.

  12. Wang JP*, Zeng GH, Yu HS (2019) A DEM investigation of water-bridged granular materials at the critical state. COMPUTATIONAL PARTICLE MECHANICS 6(4): 637-655. Doi: 10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2.

  13. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2018) A micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet granular materials. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 13(3): 513-533. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0.

  14. Wang JP*, Hu N, François B, Lambert P (2017) Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(7): 6069-6088. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020411.

  15. Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2017) Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(9): 8127-8134. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020888.

  16. Wang JP*, Gallo E, François B, Gabrieli F, Lambert P (2017) Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies. POWDER TECHNOLOGY 305: 89-98. Doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060.

  17. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2017) Stress-Force-Fabric Relationship for Unsaturated Granular Materials in Pendular States. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 143 (9). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283.

  18. Wang JP* (2017) Force Transmission Modes of Non-Cohesive and Cohesive Materials at the Critical State. MATERIALS 10 (9). Doi: 10.3390/ma10091014.

  19. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2015) A micromechanical interpretation of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, 1563-1568.

  20. 邱焕翔, 翟虎, 王冀鹏*, 葛尚奇, 吴林. 基于无人机航摄的地质踏勘及风险评估. 科学技术与工程, 2024. (录用待刊)


  1. 王冀鹏; 马永健; 张安金; 高旭光; 邱焕翔; 苏帅康; 一种便于深孔安装基质吸力传感器的装置及方法, 2023-09-12,中国, ZL202311006779.3. (发明专利, 已授权)

  2. 王冀鹏; 高旭光; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 沙俊锋; 齐萌; 一种工业CT快速扫描系统及方法, 2022-11-22, 中国, ZL202110124424.9. (发明专利, 已授权)

  3. 王冀鹏; 施淑垚; 赵宇翔; 鲁嘉祺; 张晋; 崔志聪; 欧阳伟奇; 一种植被边坡抗冲刷试验, 2022-08-02, 中国, ZL202110255552.7. (发明专利, 已授权)

  4. 王冀鹏; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 谭怡然; 适用于CT扫描的植物根系吸水过程试验装置及方法, 2021-12-10, 中国, ZL202011446926.5. (发明专利, 已授权)

  5. 王冀鹏; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 栾纪元; 适用于工业CT扫描的微型土水特征曲线试验装置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中国, ZL201910778457.8. (发明专利, 已授权)

  6. 王冀鹏; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 适用工业CT扫描的微型温控非饱和土三轴试验仪及方法, 2021-01-12, 中国, ZL201910778356.0. (发明专利, 已授权)

  7. 王冀鹏; 邱焕翔; 翟虎; 陈晓辉; 一种基于无人机的混凝土超声波探伤装置及方法, 2023-04-07, 中国, CN115932048A. (发明专利, 实审)

  8. 王冀鹏; 高旭光; 马永健; 栾纪元; 李梦晨; 欧阳伟奇; 赵宇翔; 高田田; 吴柳云; 杨柳; 一种草本植被冠层截留监测试验装置及方法, 2023-02-03, 中国, CN115684495A. (发明专利, 实审)

  9. 王冀鹏; 齐萌; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 适用于CT扫描的微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀试验装置及方法, 2022-05-30, 中国, CN2022105992722. (发明专利, 实审)

  10. Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-09-22, US 17/505, 082. (美国发明专利, 已授权)

  11. Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-03-14, 2029620. (荷兰发明专利, 已授权)

  12. Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, 美国, US11119056B2. (美国发明专利, 已授权)




电子邮箱: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn    ji-peng.wang@outlook.com

Prof. Ji-Peng WANG


  • Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering

  • Professor in Geomechancis and Hydraulic Engineering

  • National Talent Plan for Oversea Young Scholars

  • Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province (Young Professional)

  • Qilu Young Scholar of Shandong University

  • International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University

    Research Areas: micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials, ecological geotechnical engineering, UAV based smart maintenance of infrastructures, earthen ruins and masonry heritage conservation, etc.

    Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn


    2006-2010 Sichuan University, China, BEng

    BEng in Hydraulic and Hydro-electric Engineering.

    2009-2010 University of Nottingham, UK, MSc (with distinction)

    MSc in Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering

    2011-2015 University of Nottingham, UK, PhD

    PhD in Geomechanics

    Working Experience:

    2011-2015 University of Nottingham, Teaching Assistant (part-time)

    2015-2018 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Funded by FNRS and collaborated with Ghent University and Université Grenoble Alpes (Lab 3SR)

    2018-now Shandong University, Professor

    Research Interests:

        1. Micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials

  • DEM modelling and coupling with multiphase fluid

  • Three dimensional analysis of high-resolution micro-CT

  • Hydraulic and mechanical behaviours of unsaturated geomaterials

        1. Ecological geotechnical engineering

  • Rainfall infiltration effects on slope hydrology and stability

  • Vegetation and soil-root interactions under the context of climate change

  • Microbial-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) reinforcement technology

        1. UAV based infrastructure intelligent operation and maintenance

  • UAV based dangerous rock slope deformation monitoring and warning

  • UAV based intelligent infrastructure disease detection

        1. Earthen ruins and masonry heritage conservation

  • Deterioration mechanisms of rammed earth relic

  • MICP reinforcement of earthen and masonry heritage

Research Projects:

2022-2024 China Key R & D plan: “Interactions between plant and soil on the context of climate change” (PI)

2021-2023 China National Young Talent Programme: “Micro-Macro Mechanics of Multi-phase Geomaterials” (PI)

2022-2025 Shandong University-Bowee Vision UAV based Infrastructure Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Research Centre Project (PI)

2021-2022 NSFC-FNRS joint project: “Unsaturated soil mechanics from capillary and surface tension effects at microscale” (PI)

2020-2022 NSFC research project: “A micro-investigation on the air-water-solid interface effects in unsaturated soils” (PI)

2020-2022 Wuxi Hongshan (National) Archaeological Site Park: "Qiuchengdun Tomb Deformation Monitoring" (PI)

2019-2024 Research project of the Taishan Scholar Programme of Shandong Province (Young Professional Programme) (PI)

2018-2023 Research project of the Qilu Young Scholar Programme of Shandong University (PI)

2015-2018 FNRS project: “Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials” (main researcher)

2015-2018 BELSPO IAP project: “Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension” (involved)

2010-2014 Research project of the Dean’s Scholarship of University of Nottingham (prize holder)

Academic Services:

  • Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering

  • Senior Member of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society

  • Member of China Civil Engineering Society

  • International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University

  • Reviewer for leading international journals including: Géotechnique, Water Resources Research, Acta Geotechnica, Powder Technology, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, International Journal of Geomechanics, Transport in Porous Media, etc.

Selective Publications:

  1. Wang JP, Li M, Qi M, Ge S, Dadda A*. Micro-macro investigation on bio-cemented sand under different grouting saturation: an effective enhancement method[J]. GEOMECHANICS FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2023 (12): GETE-D-23-00373. (Accepted)

  2. Wang JP *, Liu T, Wang S, Luan J, Dadda A (2023) Investigation of porosity variation on water retention behaviour of unsaturated granular media by using pore scale Micro-CT and lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 626: 130161. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130161.

  3. Wang JP*, Sha JF, Gao XG, Dadda A, Qi M,. Experimental investigation of the microscopic interaction mechanism between sand and tall festuca roots by using X-ray microtomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA, 2023. (under review)

  4. 栾纪元, 王冀鹏*. 基于4D显微成像的非饱和颗粒土微观力学与渗流试验研究[J/OL]. 岩土力学, 2023(11): 1-9[2023-11-02]. Doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.1054.

  5. Li MC, Luan JY, Gao XG, Wang JP*, Dadda A (2023) A micro-investigation on water bridge effects for unsaturated granular materials with constant water content by discrete element method. PARTICUOLOGY 83: 50-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.02.006.

  6. Wang JP*, Luan JY, Gao XG, Liu TH, Andò E, François B (2022) A micro-investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial compression based on micro-CT image analysis. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 17(11): 4799-4821. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7.

  7. Gao XG, Sha JF, Luan JY, Li MC, Wang JP* (2022) A triple-source CT system for micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES 190. Doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110510.

  8. Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2020) From Basic Particle Gradation Parameters to Water Retention Curves and Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 20(6). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677.

  9. Cui XZ, Zhang XN, Wang JP*, Zhang J, Qi H, Li J (2020) X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 262. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120075.

  10. Wang JP*, Lambert P, De Kock T, Cnudde V, François B (2019) Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 14(5): 1545-1559. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2.

  11. Wang JP*, Andò E, Charrier P, Salager S, Lambert P, François B (2019) Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS 9(4): 269-277. Doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.

  12. Wang JP*, Zeng GH, Yu HS (2019) A DEM investigation of water-bridged granular materials at the critical state. COMPUTATIONAL PARTICLE MECHANICS 6(4): 637-655. Doi: 10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2.

  13. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2018) A micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet granular materials. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 13(3): 513-533. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0.

  14. Wang JP*, Hu N, François B, Lambert P (2017) Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(7): 6069-6088. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020411.

  15. Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2017) Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(9): 8127-8134. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020888.

  16. Wang JP*, Gallo E, François B, Gabrieli F, Lambert P (2017) Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies. POWDER TECHNOLOGY 305: 89-98. Doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060.

  17. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2017) Stress-Force-Fabric Relationship for Unsaturated Granular Materials in Pendular States. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 143 (9). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283.

  18. Wang JP* (2017) Force Transmission Modes of Non-Cohesive and Cohesive Materials at the Critical State. MATERIALS 10 (9). Doi: 10.3390/ma10091014.

  19. Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2015) A micromechanical interpretation of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics,1563-1568.

  20. 邱焕翔, 翟虎, 王冀鹏*, 葛尚奇, 吴林. 基于无人机航摄的地质踏勘及风险品谷. 科学技术与工程, 2024. (录用待刊)

Invention Patents:

  1. 王冀鹏; 马永健; 张安金; 高旭光; 邱焕翔; 苏帅康; 一种便于深孔安装基质吸力传感器的装置及方法, 2023-09-12, 中国, ZL202311006779.3. (Invention patent, authorized)

  2. 王冀鹏; 高旭光; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 沙俊锋; 齐萌; 一种工业CT快速扫描系统及方法, 2022-11-22, 中国, ZL202110124424.9. (Invention patent, authorized)

  3. 王冀鹏; 施淑垚; 赵宇翔; 鲁嘉祺; 张晋; 崔志聪; 欧阳伟奇; 一种植被边坡抗冲刷试验, 2022-08-02, 中国, ZL202110255552.7. (Invention patent, authorized)

  4. 王冀鹏; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 谭怡然; 适用于CT扫描的植物根系吸水过程试验装置及方法, 2021-12-10, 中国, ZL202011446926.5. (Invention patent, authorized)

  5. 王冀鹏; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 栾纪元; 适用于工业CT扫描的微型土水特征曲线试验装置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中国, ZL201910778457.8. (Invention patent, authorized)

  6. 王冀鹏; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 适用工业CT扫描的微型温控非饱和土三轴试验仪及方法, 2021-01-12, 中国, ZL201910778356.0. (Invention patent, authorized)

  7. 王冀鹏; 邱焕翔; 翟虎; 陈晓辉; 一种基于无人机的混凝土超声波探伤装置及方法, 2023-04-07, 中国, CN115932048A. (Invention patent, under review)

  8. 王冀鹏; 高旭光; 马永健; 栾纪元; 李梦晨; 欧阳伟奇; 赵宇翔; 高田田; 吴柳云; 杨柳; 一种草本植被冠层截留监测试验装置及方法, 2023-02-03, 中国, CN115684495A. (Invention patent, under review)

  9. 王冀鹏; 齐萌; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 适用于CT扫描的微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀试验装置及方法, 2022-05-30, 中国, CN2022105992722. (Invention patent, under review)

  10. Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-09-22, US 17/505, 082. (America invention patent, authorized)

  11. Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-03-14, 2029620. (Netherlands invention patent, authorized)

  12. Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, US, US11119056B2. (America invention patent, authorized)

Recruitment Information:

Students (and international students) with qualitative backgrounds in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and other relevant areas are welcomed to apply for master, PhD and postdoctoral positions!


Address: Tudong Building 414, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, 17922 Jingshi Road, Jinan 250061, China

Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn  or  ji-peng.wang@outlook.com



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