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阳生有教授长期从事软材料力学、智能材料和智慧监测研究,撰写1篇英文专著章节,共发表38篇高水平论文,其中24篇以第一作者/通讯作者发表在Appl. Mech. Rev. (IF:11.35)Int. J. Eng. Sci. (IF:7.16)Int. J. Mech. Sci. (IF:6.77)EML (IF:4.73)Soft Matter (IF:4.05)Phys. Rev. B (IF:3.91)Int. J. Solids Struct. (IF:3.67)等国际知名期刊,申请13项国家发明/实用新型专利,授权5项。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,澳门顶级网赌网址大全齐鲁青年学者项目,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,苏州市重点产业技术创新项目,中央高校专项项目以及5项教研项目,参与美国国家自然科学基金项目和国家优先研究计划-卡塔尔国家研究基金项目。受邀在多个国际和国内学术会议做特邀报告,包括:中国复合材料学会第87期高端青年沙龙(2022年)、第八届京津鲁冀晋实验力学研讨会(2021年)、中国力学学会第110次青年学术沙龙(2020年)等。荣获杜庆华力学与工程奖优秀青年学者奖(2021年)、全国高等学校力学类专业优秀本科毕业设计指导教师(2021年)、澳门顶级网赌网址大全优秀本科毕业设计指导教师(2021年),《力学与实践》第一届青年编委(2022-2026年)。

邮箱:       syang_mechanics@sdu.edu.cn

电话:   0531-88392688







论文: 弹性材料的表面失稳和分岔研究

导师: Yi-chao Chen 教授



固体力学, 北京交通大学



物理学(基地班), 四川大学


2020 – 至今


2016 – 2019

博士后,研究助理教授,休斯敦大学机械工程系Pradeep   Sharma院士课题组









Journal   of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (JMPS) 杰出审稿贡献


International   Journal of Solids and Structures (IJSS) 杰出审稿贡献


美国休斯敦大学机械工程Lewis   Wheeler 博士奖学金


美国休斯敦大学机械工程Kalsi   博士奖学金


(Book Chapter) K. Mozaffari, S. Yang, P. Sharma*. “Surface energy and nanoscale mechanics”, Handbook of Materials Modeling. Volume 2 Applications: Current and Emerging Materials, edited by Wanda Andreoni and Sidney Yip, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-50257-1−48-1)

38. L. Chen, X. Xing, S. Yang*. Tuning the elastic buckling of a soft block with graded material stiffness, International Journal of Solids and Structures 264, 112099, 2023 (固体力学权威期刊)

37. S. Yang, P. Sharma*. A tutorial on the stability and bifurcation analysis of the electromechanical behaviour of soft materials, Applied Mechanics Reviews 75, 044801, 2023(力学顶级期刊)

36. X. Lou, X. Hou, Y. Chen, J. Wang, S. Yang, H. Fan, J. Wang, X. Tian. Electromechanical grain boundary model with formation mechanism in polycrystalline ferroelectrics, Journal of Applied Physics 132, 224105, 2022

35. X. Xing, L. Chen, C. Zhao, S. Yang*. Nonlinear oscillations of dielectric elastomer actuators with stretch-dependent permittivity, Journal of Applied Mechanics 89, 111008, 2022 (力学权威期刊)

34. L. Chen, S. Yang*. Electro-cavitation and electro-assisted snap-through instability of a hollow sphere of dielectric elastomers, Thin-Walled Structures 181, 109995, 2022

33. T. Huang, L. Chen, C. Zhao, S. Yang*. Effects of large bending deformation on the electromechanical performance of a soft capacitor, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, 405301, 2022

32. K. Tan, L. Chen, S. Yang*, Q. Deng*. Dynamic snap-through instability and damped oscillation of a flat arch of hard magneto-active elastomers, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 230, 107523, 2022(机械工程类权威期刊)

31. T. Huang, L. Chen, X. Xing, S. Yang*. Study on the nonlinear bending behavior of soft slabs subjected to vertical compressions, Extreme Mechanics Letters 55, 101791, 2022(力学权威期刊)

30. L. Chen, X. Xing, S. Yang*. Symmetry-breaking instability in a charge-controlled dielectric film: large electro-actuation and high stored energy, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 184101, 2022

29. L. Chen#, K. Tan#, S. Yang*, Q. Deng*. Evoking the snap-through instability in hard-magnetic soft materials: rapid actuation and giant deformation, International Journal of Solids and Structures 246-247, 111607, 2022(固体力学权威期刊)

28. S. Yang*, T. Yu*. Inhomogeneous thinning of imperfect dielectric elastomer films: Large deformation and nonlinear electromechanical instability, International Journal of Solids and Structures 236-237, 111306, 2022固体力学权威期刊)

27. Y. Liu, L. Chen, B. Wang*, S. Yang, P. Sharma*. Tuning crumpled sheets for an enhanced flexoelectric response, Journal of Applied Mechanics 89(1), 011011, 2022(力学权威期刊)

26. L. Chen, S. Yang*. Enhancing the electromechanical coupling in soft energy harvesters by using graded dielectric elastomers, Micromachines 12, 1187, 2021

25. A. Li, B. Wang, S. Yang*. On some basic aspects of flexoelectricity in the mechanics of materials, International Journal of Engineering Science 166, 103499, 2021(工程类权威期刊)

24. H. Li, L. Chen, C. Zhao, S. Yang*. Evoking or suppressing electromechanical instabilities in soft dielectrics with deformation-dependent dielectric permittivity, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 202–203, 106507, 2021 澳门顶级网赌网址大全视点报道(机械工程类权威期刊)

23. L. Chen, X. Yang, B. Wang, S. Yang*, K. Dayal, P. Sharma*. The interplay between symmetry-breaking and symmetry-preserving bifurcations in soft dielectric films and the emergence of giant electro-actuation, Extreme Mechanics Letters 43, 101151, 2021(力学权威期刊)

22. L. Chen, X. Yang, B. Wang*, S. Yang*. Nonlinear electromechanical coupling in graded soft materials: Large deformation, instability, and electroactuation, Physical Review E 102, 023007, 2020(物理类权威期刊)

21. B. Wang#, S. Yang#, P. Sharma*. Flexoelectricity as a universal mechanism for energy harvesting from crumpling of thin sheets, Physical Review B 100, 035438, 2019  澳门顶级网赌网址大全视点报道(物理类权威期刊)

20. A. Rahmati, S. Yang, S. Bauer, P. Sharma*. Nonlinear bending deformation of soft electrets and prospects for engineering flexoelectricity and transverse (d31) piezoelectricity, Soft Matter 15, 127–148, 2019(软物质力学权威期刊)

19. Z. Alameh#, S. Yang#, Q. Deng, P. Sharma*. Emergent magnetoelectricity in soft materials, instability, and wireless energy harvesting, Soft Matter 14, 5856–5868, 2018(软物质力学权威期刊)

18. Y. Chen*, S. Yang, L. Wheeler. Surface instability of elastic half-spaces by using the energy method, Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 474, 20170854, 2018(数学力学权威期刊)

17. S. Yang, X. Zhao, P. Sharma*. Avoiding the pull-in instability of a dielectric elastomer film and the potential for increased actuation and energy harvesting, Soft Matter 13, 4552-4558, 2017(软物质力学权威期刊)

16. S. Yang, Y. Chen*. Wrinkle surface instability of an inhomogeneous elastic block with graded stiffness, Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 473, 20160882, 2017(数学力学权威期刊)

15. S. Yang, X. Zhao, P. Sharma*. Revisiting the instability and bifurcation behavior of soft dielectrics, Journal of Applied Mechanics 84, 031008, 2017(力学权威期刊)

14. S. Yang, P. Sharma*. Eshelby’s tensor for embedded inclusions and the elasto-capillary phenomenon, Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics 1630002, 2016

13. L. Xin, S. Yang, D. Zhou, G. Dui*. An approximate analytical solution based on the Mori-Tanaka method for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure, Composite Structures 135, 74-82, 2016

12. L. Xin, W. Lu, S. Yang, C. Ju, G. Dui*. Influence of linear work hardening on the elastic–plastic behavior of a functionally graded thick-walled tube, Acta Mechanica 227, 2305-2321, 2016

11. L. Xin, G. Dui*, S. Yang, Y. Liu. Elastic-plastic analysis for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 8, 331-352, 2016

10. L. Xin, S. Yang, B. Ma, G. Dui*. Thermoelastic analysis of a functionally graded rotating thick-walled tube subjected to mechanical and thermal loads, International Journal of Thermophysics 36, 3017–3036, 2015

9. S. Yang, G. Dui*, B. Ma. Temperature variation of a NiTi wire considering the effects of test machine grips, Acta Mechanica 226, 2573-2580, 2015

8. L. Xin, G. Dui*, S. Yang, D. Zhou. Solutions for behavior of a functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to mechanical and thermal loads, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 98, 70-79, 2015(机械工程类权威期刊)

7.  B. Ma, G. Dui*, S. Yang, L. Xin. The study of thermal stresses of a two phase FGM hollow sphere, CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 109, 537-554, 2015

6.  马宝玉, 兑关锁*, 阳生有. 基于多项材料细观力学的混凝土干缩量预估. 工程力学, 31, 104-111, 2014

5. L. Xin, G. Dui*, S. Yang, J. Zhang. An elasticity solution for functionally graded thick-walled tube subjected to internal pressure, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 89, 344-349, 2014(机械工程类权威期刊)

4. B. Liu, G. Dui*, S. Yang. On the transformation behavior of functionally graded SMA composites subjected to thermal loading, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids 40, 139-147, 2013

3. S. Yang, G. Dui*, B. Liu. Modeling of rate-dependent damping capacity of one-dimensional superelastic shape memory alloys, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 24, 431-440, 2013

2. Z. Huang*, G. Dui, S. Yang. A new interpretation of internal-variable theory in finite thermo-viscoelasticity, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 56, 610-616, 2013

1. S. Yang, G. Dui*. Temperature analysis of one-dimensional NiTi shape memory alloys under different loading rates and boundary conditions, International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 3254-3265, 2013 (固体力学权威期刊)


9.阳生有. 柔性结构多物理场耦合下的失稳与应用研究(邀请报告), 中国复合材料学会第87期高端青年沙龙--软材料与柔性结构, 北京, 7/2, 2022

8.阳生有. 大变形下软材料力学性能的光测研究(邀请报告), 第八届京津鲁冀晋实验力学研讨会, 太原, 山西, 6/18-6/20, 2021

7.阳生有. 软材料多物理场耦合下的大变形理论和稳定性研究(邀请报告), 中国力学学会第110次青年学术沙龙, 济南, 山东, 10/24, 2020

6.陈玲玲, 王炳雷, 阳生有. 梯度软材料力电耦合下的非线性行为研究, 20 届华东固体力学学术会议, 宁波, 宁波大学, 11/20-11/22, 2020

5.A. Rahmati, S. Yang, P. Sharma. Soft electrets and the prospects of engineering giant flexoelectricity, The 18th U.S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, 2018

4.S. Yang, E. Puntel, E. Fried, P. Sharma. On the wrinkling of a lipid vesicle in an electric field, Society of Engineering Science 54th Annual Technical Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 2017

3.Z. Alameh, S. Yang, P. Sharma. Electrets embedded soft dielectrics: magnetoelectricity, piezoelectricity, magneto-electro-mechanical instability, and wireless energy harvesting, Society of Engineering Science 54th Annual Technical Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 2017

2.B. Wang, S. Yang, P. Sharma. Flexoelectricity and energy harvesting from crumpling of thin sheets, Society of Engineering Science 54th Annual Technical Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, USA, 2017

1.S. Yang, P. Sharma. Revisiting the instability and bifurcation behavior of soft dielectrics, Society of Engineering Science 53rd Annual Technical Meeting, University of Maryland- College Park, Maryland, USA, 2016



Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids;

Journal of Applied Mechanics;

Journal of Elasticity;

Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures;

Journal of Materials Research;

International Journal of Solids and Structures;

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences;

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping;

Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids;

Proceedings of the Royal Society A - Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences;

Soft Matter





Nonlinear   Solid Mechanics


2学分  澳门顶级网赌网址大全  英文授课

2学分 澳门顶级网赌网址大全 202020212022



Introduction   to Mechanics

2学分 澳门顶级网赌网址大全 2020年)

4学分 美国休斯敦大学 2018年)











MECE 3336 Mechanics II:   Dynamics

MECE 3363 Introduction   to Fluid Mechanics

MECE 6384 Methods of   Applied Mathematics I

MECE 6384 Methods of   Applied Mathematics I

MECE 3336 Mechanics II:   Dynamics

MECE 6384 Methods of   Applied Mathematics I

MECE 3360 Experimental   Methods

MECE 3400 Introduction   to Mechanics

MECE 3336 Mechanics II:   Dynamics


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