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2003.07–今          澳门顶级网赌网址大全/十大网赌正规信誉排名/土木工程系/硕士生导师

2014.07 2015.07    美国亚利桑那州立大学/访问学者

2008.09 2012.06    澳门顶级网赌网址大全/岩土工程/博士

2000.09 2003.06    长安大学/建筑与结构工程/硕士

1995.09 1999.06    西安公路交通大学/工业与民用建筑/本科


(1)    高性能混凝土力学性能研究及新型材料研发;

(2)    桥梁结构分析、损伤诊断及预警;

(3)    高耸结构抗震、防风与控制研究。


[1]      钢箱梁顶推施工数值仿真与风险管理研究;2007.09-2009.12;横向课题.

[2]      北方海域海水冻融和侵蚀耦合作用下桥梁下部结构破坏及对整桥稳定性影响,2007.05-2009.12,横向项目.

[3]      大吨位预应力混凝土箱梁施工关键技术研究,2009.02-2010.12,横向课题.

[4]       水环境下机敏混凝土导电特征与损伤检测机理研究,2010.11-2013.02,山东省自然科学基金.

[5]      长距离输水系统结构物冰害分析与防护研究,2010.11-2013.02,山东省南水北调工程管理局.

[6]      三维土工网防护边坡坡面流特性及侵蚀动力机制研究, 2013.03-2016.03 国家自然科学基金.

[7]      环境荷载下特高压输电线路风偏闪络控制关键技术研究与应用,2016.7-2017.12,省重点研发科研项目.

[8]      跨铁路V型桥墩连续刚构转体桥建设关键技术2017.7-2019.12,横向项目.

[9]      混凝土框架结构安全检测及加固,2020.7-2021.6,横向项目.

[10]   高速公路大跨桥梁施工过程的动态风险管理,2020.02-2021.12,横向项目


[1]      Tian Li, Zhou Meng-Yao, Pan Hai-Yang, Xin Ai-Qiang and Liu Yu-Ping*(Corresponding author). Shaking table tests on a reduced-scale UHV transmission tower-line system subjected to near-fault ground motions. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2020, 20(6): 2040015-1-25. (SCI通讯作者)

[2]      Liu Yu-Ping ,Wang hongyang,Qiu canxing,Zhao xingnan.Seismic Behavior of Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy Spring in Base Isolation System of Multi-Story Steel Frame.MATERIALS  ,2019,12(6): 997 (SCI)

[3]      Tian Li, Fu Zhao-Yang, Pan Hai-Yang, Ma Rui-Sheng and Liu Yu-Ping*(Corresponding author). Experimental and numerical study on the collapse failure of long span transmission tower-line systems subjected to extremely severe earthquakes. Earthquakes and Structures, 2019, 16(5): 513-522 (SCI通讯作者)

[4]      Tian Li, Rong Kunjie, Zhang Peng and Liu Yu-Ping*(Corresponding author). Vibration control of a power transmission tower with pounding tuned mass damper under multi-component seismic excitations. Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(5): 1-13. (SCI通讯作者)

[5]      Wu Ke, Cui Shuaishuai, Liu Yu-Ping*(Corresponding author).Study on the Mechanism of Grouting Under Different Tunnel Depth of Cross Passage.Geotechnical  and  Geotechnical Engineering.2020.38(3): 3291-3305(EI通讯作者)

[6]       Liu Yu-ping, Apostolos Fafitis, LI Shucai1.A Research on the DynamicResponses of Vertical Structure under Condition of Larger Aspect Ratio.Journal of Civil engineering and architecture research.2015.8.pp:824-830

[7]      Liu Yu-ping, Li Shuca, Zhang Feng. Numerical analysis of sea ice-bridge pierinteraction. Advanced Materials Research. Vol.250-253,2011:3489-3492. EI

[8]      Liu Yu-ping, Li Shucai, Zhang Feng.  Research about the dynamic ice responseOf concrete structure in environment with freezing-thawing. Applied MechanicsAnd Materials Vol.90-93,2011:979-982. EI

[9]      Liu Yu-ping. Numerical simulation of dynamic ice action on cross-sea bridgefoundation. 2011 2ndInternational Conference on Mechanic Automation andControl Engineering, MACE 2011:6625-6628. EI

[10]   Liu Yu-ping Li Shucai, Zhu Jinpeng. Study on the ice-induced vibration ofConcrete structure in environment of seawater corrosion. 2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, ICMT 2011:4123-4126. EI


[1]      田利,易思银, 刘玉萍. 一种防舞动碰撞耗能减振装置, 发明专利, 授权号: ZL201710262547.2.

[2]      田利易思银刘玉萍王彦明荣坤杰多级复合型吸能耗能减振装置,实用新型,授权号:ZL 201720374134.9 2017年授权)

[3]      田利易思银刘玉萍王彦明荣坤杰多级复合型吸能耗能减振装置、应用及方法,发明专利,申请号:ZL 201710233658.0 (公开)


[1]      2008年,澳门顶级网赌网址大全“三班红旗手”

[2]      2008年,澳门顶级网赌网址大全教学成果奖二等奖

[3]      2013年,山东水利科学技术进步二等奖

[4]      2014年,澳门顶级网赌网址大全教学成果奖一等奖



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地址:山东省济南市经十路17923号    邮编:250061    电话:0531-88392446    传真:0531-88392446    经理信箱:tjyzxx@sdu.edu.cn

网址:    E-mail:tjfdw@sdu.edu.cn    技术支持:奇赛信科